Urmila Rao

I am a Therapist and an Emotional Wellness Counsellor (in Holistic Health Practice). I welcome you to my website and my soul’s work.

I work with the energy of emotions, thoughts, feelings and prana (cosmic breath) to create emotional and physical wellness.

My work includes imparting tools and techniques for self-awareness and healing. Self-healing is possible; no one knows you better than you do and no one can do a better job on you than you can, on you!

My two courses, ‘Thought Therapy’ and ‘Forgive & Heal’, empowers a participant towards generating this awareness and in moving forward.

Emotional Wellness

Healing can begin with thoughts. Thoughts are the source- field of wellness or illness. I believe that we create our lives through our thoughts and through the choices we make via our thoughts. There is a relationship between the quality of our thoughts and our physical and emotional health. And vice versa. The power of prana or the cosmic breath is the healing link between the two. Healing is a combination of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects, not just one aspect.

In working with the emotion of forgiveness, I share ways of cultivating compassion, discernment, self-worth and self-love. In addition, how to manage difficult emotions, to be able to forgive, heal and create long-term wellness for self and others. Forgiveness is a delicate process and a courageous one. My tools and techniques are inspired from yogic knowledge, practical wisdom and intuitive reflections.

My tools and techniques draw inspiration from yogic knowledge, practical wisdom and meditative intuitions.


What our clients say about
Karmic Wellness